Mullet haircuts are known by several other names, including hockey hair in Canada, Scandinavia, Sweden and northern U. S. Regions where the 1980s hockey players were fond of this style. Tom Jones, pop singer wore a mullet style in the 1960s and made it popular. Others who are known for the look over the years include David Bowie, Michael Bolton, Phil Collins and Paul McCartney.
The look has enjoyed a new popularity in the last decade. The sides and top of the head have short hair, sometimes spiked or with blond highlights. The back of the head has long hair. The length of the hair on the back of the head can be as long as mid back, or shorter as in collar length.
A song called "Mullet Head" was recorded by the Beastie Boys in 1994. Their fan magazine used the term "mullet" in print, the first known appearance. Australian Rules football players brought this style to Australia during the 1980s. Other team players such as hockey also used the style. In Germany, the look is associated with the destruction of Berlin's Wall.
Lebanese living in Australia wore the style in that country. Czech sports figures in the 1980s enjoyed the style. In the United Kingdom, the mullet style is linked to thugs. On the positive side, the style has been adopted by those in sports, particularly football, hockey and soccer.
Variations on the mullet haircuts appeared over the years. The 1990s had a fuller look. Sometimes the back was curled or permanent waves to add a more bouffant look. The Vandals song of the Ape Drape style which is yet another name for the cut.
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